meet the candidates

Mark Heirbrandt

FOR Hamilton County Commissioner

Mark Heirbrandt

Candidate for Hamilton County Commissioner

Please Describe Your Education?  Bachelor of Science in Chemistry & Biology from University of Indianapolis

What is your Occupation and/or Professional Background?  Current Hamilton County Commissioner, and I have worked in the water and energy efficiency business over the past 24 years

What is your Candidate Platform?

Please provide THREE reasons why voters should consider you this election?

1. I want to continue to advance public safety by taking a proactive approach.

2. I want to strengthen our roads through maintenance, expansion, and improvements to enhance safety during travel.

3. Through my proven leadership of Hamilton County, I want to find cost saving solutions for complex challenges.

Is there anything else you’d like voters to know about you?

Connecting with Hamilton County residents has always been my most valued part of serving. I look forward to doing just that in the coming months to continue understanding the ever-changing needs of our county.

If you have a Campaign Website, please provide the web address.

Click here to Meet The GOP Primary Candidates of Westfield Precinct #16 

This page and website is a service of Ronald T. MOORE for Precinct #16 Committeeman