meet the candidates

sue maki

for Hamilton County Council At-Large

sue maki

Candidate for Hamilton County Council At-Large

Please Describe Your Education?  MBA, Anderson University; BA, Political Science, Baldwin-Wallace University.

What is your Occupation and/or Professional Background?  Current County Councilor, At-Large, where I am currently serving as Vice President. My professional experience includes 18 years in the insurance industry with most of the time in a management capacity.  I worked for the City of Carmel Utilities for 15 years, retiring from them in 2022 to devote my time to County Council work and other volunteer activities. 

I served as Executive Director of the Hamilton County Leadership Academy from 2000 - 2003. I am also a 1999 graduate. 

What is your Candidate Platform?  My personal philosophy is that public safety is the bedrock of government service.  People don’t want to live, and businesses do not want to be in, a place that doesn’t have safe streets, professional emergency medical or fire response.    This impacts all areas of the County, and while police and fire protection are under the purview of the municipalities…the Courts, Prosecutors office, 911 call center, Jail, Emergency Management Services, and the county-wide services the Sheriff office provides, serves us all. 

Transportation infrastructure is probably second in importance of priorities for the County government.  Whether you live in the more rural northern part of the county, or the more urbanized areas of the southern part of the county, you need to be able to move around in a safe and efficient manner.   This takes proactive planning and budgeting by the County, so our bridges and county roads meet the needs of our growing community. 

Smart, measured economic development is the third priority of County government.    This requires having a comprehensive plan, planning strategically for infrastructure investments, and protecting our natural resources such as water availability.   We also must invest in community amenities like parks and trails that make Hamilton County a desirable place to live, work and do business.   

Please provide THREE reasons why voters should consider you this election?

1) Experience in the position resulting in the County's sound fiscal standing and AAA bond rating. 

2) Commitment to the community as evidenced by my volunteer and board service activities.  

3) Collaborative work style with elected official colleagues and constituents.

Is there anything else you’d like voters to know about you?  I am currently serving as Hamilton County Councilor At-Large where I hold the position of Vice President.  I have been active in the Hamilton County civic community for many years.   My leadership roles include past president of Hamilton County Tourism Commission, Carmel Rotary, Carmel Middle School PTO and the Hamilton County Solid Waste Board.  I currently serve on the board of Invest Hamilton County, the Economic Development Organization for the County.   

If you have a Campaign Website, please provide the web address.

Click here to Meet The GOP Primary Candidates of Westfield Precinct #16 

This page and website is a service of Ronald T. MOORE for Precinct #16 Committeeman