Ronald T Moore 

precint 16 Committeeman


Candidate for Westfield GOP Precinct 16 Committeeman

Please Describe Your Education?   BS Degree - Purdue University.  Certified Quality Engineer - American Society for Quality

What is your Occupation and/or Professional Background?  I have retired after a life of working in industry as a Quality Assurance Professional. My career began in the automotive industry and lead to consulting in electronics, plastics, financial and medical industries by the time I retired.

What is your Candidate Platform?  I believe there is a lot of room for the precinct committeeman to help the residents of a precinct to better understand and exercise their right to vote in our elections.  I will help the residents register to vote, define their method to vote, and find the right location to do it. I will represent this precinct at the county and state party level.

Please provide THREE reasons why voters should consider you this election?  I am going to provide information about the party and its activity within the City Westfield. After I am elected, I will change this website to the relevant topics of information to maintain a connect with the voters in Westfield 16.

I will introduce myself and our party to new comers who move into the precinct.  I will endeavour to expand the knowledge and understanding of the Republican Party. Through Republican governance of Westfield and Hamilton County has made our city the best place to live.

I am a conservative and I have the time and the energy to do this job.

Is there anything else you’d like voters to know about you?  When my wife and I moved to Westfield, we found a very special place on earth.  Our family has also found it to be a special place and now our children all live in the area.  We feel very blessed that this city and the county for that matter has been governed with the interest of the people who live here.  That Conservative thinking that puts the needs of our families on the forefront of planning has made this city a growing, prosperous, and fun place to live. I want to help keep that momentum going.

If you have a Campaign Website, please provide the web address.

Click here to Meet The GOP Primary Candidates of Westfield Precinct #16 

This page and website is a service of Ronald T. MOORE for Precinct #16 Committeeman