meet the candidates

Steven Nation

for Hamilton County Council At-Large

Steven Nation

Candidate for Hamilton County Council At-Large

Please Describe Your Education?  

What is your Occupation and/or Professional Background?

What is your Candidate Platform?

Trained & Prepared Public Safety | Comprehensive Mental Health Plan | Collaboration Across Hamilton County, including among cities, towns, and townships

Please provide THREE reasons why voters should consider you this election?

1. As a contributor to the founding and launching of the Pursuit Institute in 2021, I am proud that this initiative provides state-of-the-art opportunities and talent pipelines that are driving our county’s economy, all while keeping school funding in our own county and providing that our young people can reach their full potential.

2. I am a supporter and advocate for the River Road Public Safety Training Facility, a vital asset for preparing professionals and fostering innovation through private sector partnerships for improved public safety and economic growth.

3. I have united people for the common good, fostering cooperation and collaboration among residents, councils, and commissioners, all working together respectfully towards shared goals, such as a comprehensive behavioral health program serving all the citizens of Hamilton County.

Is there anything else you’d like voters to know about you?

In my first term and throughout my total service to the citizens of Hamilton County, I have always served the county through honesty, accountability, and impactful governing. I took tangible actions to fulfill the commitments I made. I was clear and transparent with my vision, and I delivered. In my upcoming term, there remains important work to accomplish. As I have demonstrated previously, I will continue to fulfill my commitments and deliver on my promises. Although several impactful projects have been completed in my first term, there is more work to be done.

Click here to Meet The GOP Primary Candidates of Westfield Precinct #16 

This page and website is a service of Ronald T. MOORE for Precinct #16 Committeeman